Nomads @ Hub Feenix

About us

We bought an historical sanatorium in 2020 to create Hub Feenix, a space where life, creativity, joy, wellbeing and continuous learning can flourish. In this huge building (15 000 m²), located in the middle of pine forests, we open our doors to volunteers, artists, visitors, digital nomads, and people from all around the world and all backgrounds. We have artists studios, yoga studios, a concert hall, lots of different workshops spaces, accommodation, etc.

Hub Feenix is a perpetual work in progress and we have a lot of ideas to keep making it a safe, beautiful, healing and unique place.

Everything we do is aligned with our values of love, respect, honesty, giving and serving life. We always cultivate gratitude, self-development, courage, renewal, and spirituality, while practicing presence, non-violence in both actions and words, and working with nature.

Raisa Kaipainen & Torsten Rüger

🫂 Connect with wonderful people 👯

Staying with us means that you get to meet people from all around the world. You can spend meaningful time with the volunteers that we welcome all year long, and with the many artists that are joining us for residencies. You will also get to interact with residents from different backgrounds, and other digital nomads if there are any staying at the same time as you. Get ready for interesting conversations and new friendships!

✨ Live enriching experiences 🧘

From shopping at flea markets to sauna nights, among many other activities, you’ll learn a lot about Finnish culture and lifestyle during your stay. You can easily travel to some towns and cities, including Helsinki and Turku, to satisfy your curiosity, and maybe even take part in some events happening at Hub Feenix sometimes. There are a lot of things to do, discover, see and live around here, you’ll have a lot of fun and create precious lifelong memories!

🌳 Spend quality time in nature 🏞️

We are surrounded by nature, perfect for walks through the woods, or swimming in the nearby lake. Discover the amazing types of mushrooms that grow around here (including edible ones), observe all the wildlife, admire the sunsets and sunrises, pick wild berries, practice forest bathing, play in the snow… Depending on the season and what you love doing, there are many ways to relax, immerse yourself in the green surroundings and regenerate. You’ll definitely be inspired!

❄️ Why is Finland a good idea? 🌟

This wonderful country is usually not at the top of the list when digital nomads are thinking about their next move… but it should! Here’s why…

👑 Finland has been crowned the happiest country in the world multiple times. That alone should tease your curiosity and make you want to discover it for yourself. This is based on various indicators of happiness that take into consideration the work – life balance, the low corruption, the safety, the good gender equality and most importantly the very strong values of the population, including simplicity for example. By coming here, you’ll get to taste that way of life!

🌈 Finnish people are known for their trustworthiness, honesty, and minimalist living standard, among other nice character traits. The locals are very friendly, and they don’t brag or show off. Interactions with them are always nice and it definitely makes your stay in the country very enjoyable!

🌲Finland is a very peaceful and beautiful country, made of lush green forests and deep blue lakes (around 188 000 of them). The vast regions of unspoilt nature, vibrant cities, and charming little towns will steal your heart and take your breath away. The tap water is so pure that it’s even known to be better than the bottled one. When the snow shows up… you’re in Winter Wonderland! And should we even talk about the magical aurora borealis?

⭐ Finland is a Schengen Zone member state, and is part of the European Union, which can make it easier for you as you might not need a visa, depending on your country of origin.

🛜 As a digital nomad, one of the most important things to consider while choosing your next destination is the internet connection and Finland won't disappoint you. The average broadband download speed is great and the free public Wi-Fi coverage is wide, you can work from almost anywhere!

💻 This country has great cities for remote workers with co-working spaces and nice coffee shops, but you also have the possibility to settle down more in the countryside, like at Hub Feenix. The internet is good, you have all the comfort necessary and you still have easy access to everything you need, including cities. It gives you more opportunities to try different lifestyles and surroundings, and stay longer in the same country while settling down at different locations. You could for example work from Helsinki before joining us, then go up North.

💂 The official languages are Finnish and Swedish, but English is widely and well-spoken all around the country, making it very easy to live and travel everywhere without a big language barrier. Even going to the pharmacy won’t be a nightmare, making your everyday life way easier.

💶 Euros (€) is the official currency, which can be nice if you're coming from another country in the eurozone, or if you want to use the same cash while traveling from one country to the other for a little while. Credit and debit cards are also widely accepted across the country, and you will have easy access to banks and ATMs.

💰 The main reason why digital nomads don’t always consider Finland as their temporary home away from home is the cost of living. It’s true that it’s more expensive than many Asian countries for example. But this is why Hub Feenix is an amazing option for you, prices are lower than in big cities, including to go out or do grocery shopping, and there are many things you can do on a low budget, or even for free.